To explore the splendor of multi-faceted India, Indrail Pass provide excellent value for money and enhances the charm of holidays for visitors from abroad. Indrail Pass offer visitors on a budget, the facility to travel as they like, over the entire Indian Railway system without any route restriction within the period of validity of the ticket. These pass can only be purchased by foreign nationals and NRI's on payment of US Dollars, Pound Sterling or any other convertible foreign currencies. The pass holder is not required to pay any reservation fee, superfast charges or surcharge for the journey. The Indrail Pass have now been made more attractive for transit and short stay visitors. The pass which were hitherto available for a duration ranging from 01, 07, 15, 21, 30, 60 & 90 days are now also available for half day, two days and four days. This new facility will offer economies of scale to visitors arriving by international flights and visiting only one or two connecting destinations. The fares of Indrail Passes are in US Dollars only but payments can be made either in US Dollars or Sterling Pounds.

Certain recognized travel agents are also authorized to sell these passes in Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, and Chennai. Indrail Passes are sold outside India through our General Sales Agents appointed by Indian Railways in Bangladesh, Bahrain, Colombo, Finland, Germany, Oman, South Africa, and U.A.E, U.K.
Who are eligible?
Foreign Tourists.
Indian Nationals residing abroad on valid passport.
Indian Spouse of foreign tourist.
Guide accompanying foreign tourist.
Tips on booking your Indrail Pass
All eligible passengers can avail of foreign tourist quotas on several trains in nominated classes as provided.
Passengers should produce their valid passports before purchasing tickets.
In case you do not possess the requisite foreign currency, you may produce an exchange certificate from any nationalized bank of India